Phone: (949) 364-5600
Fax: (949) 364-2231
Quebbemann B, Engstrom D, Siegfried T, Garner K, Dallal R. Bariatric surgery in patients older than 65 years is safe and effective. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases. 2005 July-August;1(4)
Clinical Research Experience
American Board of Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine
Aetna: *821796 Anthem Blue Cross: AFN251 Anthem Blue Cross Medicare: 05196589 Blue Shield: *100100519023 Cigna: 3966900011 Cigna Select: 3966900013 Health Net: 3435068866 Health Net Medicare: 5211068866 SCAN Medicare: 954-18601 United Healthcare: *0250360065 *Provider ID is the same for both Commercial and Medicare Plans