Uro Gynecology


You may experience urinary incontinence at some point in your lifetime. There are different types of incontinence and various treatments. Make an appointment with your physician to determine the best treatment options for you.

Stress Incontinence (SUI): The sudden, unintentional release of urine during daily activities such as sneezing, coughing , lifting or exercising. It is caused by the weakening of your pelvic floor, which can result from pregnancy and childbirth, menopause, obesity or chronic straining.

Urge Incontinence: Described as a sudden and intense urge to urinate followed by a loss of your urine. You may feel like you can’t get to the bathroom fast enough.

Overflow Incontinence: Occurs when your bladder doesn’t completely empty. It can be caused by dysfunctional nerves or a blockage in your urethra.

Mixed Incontinence: Any combination of the above conditions.


Urodynamic Testing: Our office is equipped with a state of the art Luminex TS computerized complex cystometrogram. Our physicians are trained in using the equipment to study your bladder function and detect different types of incontinence.

TVT: A minimally invasive surgical procedure in which a mesh is placed vaginally under the urethra to provide needed support. This surgery is for treatment of stress incontinence. The success rate can reach 98%. Please refer to pelvic healthsolutions.com for more information.

Burch Procedure: an open surgical procedure done through the abdomen to support your urethra. It can be used in cases of failed vaginal procedures.

Behavioral/ Muscle Therapy: Kegel exercises can help to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Also, your physician may refer you for biofeedback or physical therapy, which can involve electrical stimulation to help you gain control over bodily functions. Changes in diet and lifestyle can also alleviate some symptoms.


Your may experience pelvic prolapse as a result of childbearing or the aging process. You may have little or no symptoms while other women may experience a “bulge” in their vaginal area. This can cause a feeling of heaviness, pelvic pain, voiding difficulties, or problems with intercourse. Your diagnosis is usually made at the time of pelvic exam.

Uterine Prolapse: Uterine Prolapse is when your uterus drops into the vagina. Mild degrees are common and do not always require treatment.

Cystocele: Cystocele is when your bladder drops from it’s normal place into the vagina. Can be associated with voiding problems.

Rectocele: A condition where your rectum bulges into the vagina posteriorly. This can be associated with difficulty emptying the rectum and constipation.

Vaginal Vault Prolapse: Vaginal Vault Prolapse is when the top of your vagina loses it’s support and drops. This can occur after a hysterectomy.


Pessary: A device ,which comes in all shapes and sizes, and can be inserted vaginally to support the pelvic organs. These devices are fitted in the office and you and your provider can decide if this would be an option for you.


Vaginal Hysterectomy: A procedure that can be used to treat your uterine prolapse. For more information please see hysterectomy under surgical procedure section.

Anterior /Posterior Repair: A surgical procedure that is done vaginally and involves tightening the vaginal tissues to support your bladder or rectum. It can be performed with a mesh.

Sacrocolpoplexy: A procedure that helps to support your vaginal vault for prolapse after a hysterectomy. It can be done vaginally, laparoscopic, or robot assisted.

Perineoplasty/Vaginal Rejuvenation/Vaginoplasty: Surgical procedures that restore your vulvar and vaginal tissues after damage which can occur from childbirth or congenital anomalies.