Dr. Angela Basen is a board certified Internal Medicine physician practicing for over 7 years. She
received her medical degree from Drexel University College of Medicine before completing
Internal Medicine residency at George Washington University Hospital. Most recently Dr. Basen
worked as a hospitalist at Providence Mission Hospital and Saddleback Hospital where she
provided specialized care to high acuity patients admitted to the hospital.
Dr. Basen's areas of expertise and clinical areas of interests include diabetes mellitus, chronic
kidney disease, and hypertension amongst others. Dr. Basen's philosophy of care is to heal more
than the tangible ailments that patients face. Her goal is to empower patients to take ownership of
their health journey and ease the process by providing high quality, evidence based healthcare in
an enviroment of mutual respect and open communication.
Outside of practice, Dr. Basen enjoys cooking, hiking, and spending time with her 3 children and