Medical Meal Replacement Formula for Weight Loss
The Success of our Meal Replacement Formula is based on:
High-Quality, Complete Nutrition
Pre-Portioned and Calorie-Controlled Servings
Quick and Simple Preparation
Freedom From Having to Make Food Choices
Skeptical About a Meal Replacement Diet?
You are not alone. Many people are concerned that they will not be able
to adapt to a diet that replaces their normal food only to find that on
average most people adjust in less than a week.
Why it Works*
People given less food choices eat less!* Think of the last time you were
at a buffet-style restaurant? Did you carefully choose a few favorite
foods or did you take “a taste” of many items? The phenomenon
of eating less with fewer choices is known as stimuli narrowing. It is
a key component of the Providence Medical Group
ProLite program. Stimuli narrowing improves your ability to stick with the diet,
as well as provide an environment that assists in making the critical
behavioral changes needed for long-term weight control.* People following
the ProLite program often say it is like taking a vacation from food.
And while on that “vacation”, they are able to recognize the
many times during the day when they would have eaten and work to change
those environmental situations, or triggers, that have caused them to
overeat in the past.*
Medical Meal Replacement Highlights
- Available in the US through hospitals and specially trained physicians
- Provides 100% or more of all vitamins, minerals, protein, and essential
fatty acids
- Extensive behavioral change curriculum that address diet, activity, and
behavioral skills like stress and weight control, body image, and communication
skills. Diet trends come and go, but behavioral change remains the cornerstone
of effective weight loss and management programs.
- Precise calorie and portion control
- Minimal food handling reduces the temptation to “cheat and eat”*
Weight Loss and Health Improvement Results*
Rapid improvements in blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose (blood sugar)
are also seen.* Many individuals who participate in the full medical meal
replacement program are able to significantly reduce and, in some cases,
discontinue the use of medications for these conditions altogether.*