Post Weight Loss Procedures

Significant weight loss—whether from bariatric surgery, pregnancy or dieting—can leave behind excess, sagging skin and fat. Unfortunately, you’ve lost the weight but still don’t have the body you want. Advanced new body contouring procedures can change that. By removing the loose, extra skin around the neck, upper arms, abdomen or thighs, we can help you reveal your new slimmer figure.

You’ve done the hard part of losing weight—now let us help you finally achieve the body you want. Each body contouring procedure is individualized to meet your specific needs.


Even after weight loss, stubborn fat deposits can remain on the hips, thighs and abdomen. Liposuction—one of today’s most popular cosmetic procedures—offers you a way to lose persistent fat deposits, creating a more slender and balanced body shape.

Arm lift

Reduces excess skin and fat between the underarm and the elbow to create smoother skin and contours as well as a more toned and proportionate appearance

Thigh lift

Performed in much the same way as an arm lift, thigh lift is a popular form of body contouring surgery to lift and smooth the thighs after significant weight loss

Breast lift

Because the breasts are composed mainly of fatty tissue, their appearance is often dramatically affected by weight loss. A breast lift can raise and reshape the bust line to create a new shapely breast contour.

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation can give you the fuller breasts you’ve always wanted or simply restore the natural breast volume lost after weight reduction or pregnancy.

Lower body lift

Whether tightening up after a significant weight loss, or addressing the normal effects of aging or childbearing, a body lift (also called a “belt lipectomy”) is an excellent way to shape the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. By combining several contouring techniques into a single comprehensive procedure, the outcome is often more natural-looking and aesthetically pleasing than if the body contouring was performed in one area at a time.

Tummy tuck

Also called an abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is a highly effective and popular cosmetic procedure that not only removes excess skin after weight loss but also tightens the abdominal muscles, creating a more slender waistline and flatter stomach.

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