Family Planning
Today there are many options for birth control or to prevent pregnancy.
You can make an appointment with one of our providers to guide you through
the different methods and to find the one that best suits your lifestyle
and health goals. At your first visit our physicians will review your
medical history, inquire about future desires of child bearing and discuss
risks and benefits of the following methods:
Oral Contraceptives (Birth Control Pills) - There are many pills on the market, along with different contraceptive
and non-contraceptive benefits. After an in-office consultation, we will
find the contraceptive method that suits you best based on your daily
routine and history. Oral contraceptives are very effective as long as
you take them properly. It is important that your pills are taken daily.
Vaginal Contraception - The “Ring“ (Nuvaring) is a form of contraception in which
hormones are delivered by a vaginal route and provides effective contraception.
This ring is easily inserted by you, every month, and is convenient if
you do not want to remember to take a pill daily.
Intramuscular Contraception - The Depo Provera shot is given every 3 months. It contains Progesterone
only (for those of you that cannot take Estrogen) and while it may cause
irregular cycles for you at first over time the cycles can cease altogether.
It is highly effective in preventing pregnancy.
Transdermal Implants - The Implanon method is a device containing progesterone, which can be
inserted at our office. It consists of a latex free plastic rod, which
secretes hormones for 3 years at which time the rod is removed.
Intrauterine Devices -These are devices that are placed into your uterus by your provider in
the office. There are two types of IUDS currently available in the United States:
- Mirena - This IUD 2contains progesterone and lasts up to 5 years. Cycles
are lighter and irregular
- Paragard - This IUD uses copper and lasts for 10 years. Monthly cycles