Nurse-Midwifery at Provdence Medical Group – for a powerful birth & beyond

Providence Medical Group provides integrated Nurse Midwifery care as part of our comprehensive reproductive health services.

What is a Certified Nurse Midwife?

CNMs are advanced practice nurses trained to provide comprehensive care during pregnancy, birth, postpartum and breastfeeding. After your pregnancy, CNMs can help you with your family planning needs, wellness visits, and provide care for gynecological concerns.

The Midwifery Difference

Nurse-midwives offer a holistic approach to pregnancy and birth. We recognize pregnancy and birth are a powerful and transformative stage in your life. We partner with you in this process and support you to make informed, empowered choices for your health. We believe in your body’s ability to birth your baby safely, but if the need arises, our CNMs work together with our physician colleagues to provide safe and satisfying care.

Studies show that families who are attended by Nurse Midwives have fewer cesarean sections, labor inductions, medical and surgical interventions, and preterm deliveries. Midwifery care also leads to increased rates of breastfeeding, earlier detection of post-partum depression & anxiety, and increased rates of positive birth experiences.

Nurse-Midwifery Services:

  • Prenatal Care
  • Hospital Birth
  • Lactation support
  • Pap smears & wellness promotion
  • Family Planning
  • Infection Screening
  • Conception planning & fertility
  • Menopause care

The Best of Both Worlds

At Providence, women can enjoy the best of both the medical and midwifery model. Women can experience a normal healthy pregnancy and birth process with medical support close at hand.

Our Providers

Our Providers

Humboldt Providers

Our Humboldt Provider

Stephanie Ivy Stone, CNM
Stephanie Ivy Stone, CNM
City:  Eureka
4.7 out of 5

Our Sonoma and Napa Provider

Simone Everett Tolmie, CNM
Simone Everett Tolmie, CNM
City:  Santa Rosa

Our Locations

Santa Rosa - Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women's Services

Santa Rosa - Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women's Services

500 Doyle Park Dr.
Suite 200
Santa Rosa, CA 95405

Mon - Fri: 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Closed: 12 - 1:30 p.m.

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Eureka - Obstetrics and Gynecology

Eureka - Obstetrics and Gynecology

3200 Walford Ave.

Eureka, CA 95503